Alonzo Peters' MD Patients and Those of North Medical Center and clients of Kimberly Records 1-5-8
Patience as a patient or client ?
To North Medical Center and to any patient or client including church members that I have come into contact with or will come into contact with serving you with Kimberly Records’ and Productions and our ministries. Thank you for your patience. It is to my patients friends, Sunday School students, debtors, family, enemies and haters that I send this New Year greeting. In the name of Jesus Christ of whom by whom and for whom the universe including this terrestrial globe was made. I greet you in peace, love and in joy.
You have displayed patience.
From the book of James.
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
I feel like the giant that was tied down. Its getting up time! I look forward to wanting nothing, the attitude that I had in part when I was seeing you all as patients. As Peter said, silver and gold have I none but I give you what I have.
Due to the fact that some of us are now in the family, after much desperation and strife, I rejoice. I say this in full confidence of having offered Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez the plan of salvation in Spanish. I believe they have done works without a confession of faith whereas I have for in some part given a confession of faith without works. This was done in Spanish. I have also requested that El Presidente Chavez apologize in his making devil references. This was done in an upcoming You Tube production. I would also like to get mad at betrayals, lies, death threats, assaults, but they did it to Him so they will do it to us.
I have found many pictures and videos. Videos of medical physical exams. Videos of music Videos of our charts. Pictures within the charts. Videos of missionary trips and the interaction with those patients, LPs and cassette tapes. Yet nothing was as good as the experience of love that you have given. It is only the love of my sister Lynn , Mom and father Alonzo Peters Jr. that I can compare it to. I will add these pics and videos to this blog as time allows.
I woke up this morning, not sad that taxes are due and foreclosures are pending with rogue agents DEA applying pressure. In laying traps and lying to even my church members to obtain affidavits, I am still joyful of what we have done in such a brief time in these last of times. I love you! We have accomplished what Abraham , Pancho Villa, Martin Luther King , Patrice Lamumba, Yamo Kenyata, Moses, Elijah, King David, E. Franklin Frazier, John F. Kennedy, El Haj Malik and most of all Jesus is happy with. They all looking at us from heaven, after our prayers and confession of His Lordship and of belief in Jesus’ substitution in death for our sins, and His resurrection and return to the Father. I chose to try to begin a revolution in me such that I am part of the solution as opposed to the problem. In fact he is at the right hand of the Father .
Everything is going to be alright. It is written.The Babylonian, Jezebel spirit is not happy that her day is nearly over and neither is her clientele. She is kicking and screaming her way out, We suffered head trauma when we got kicked by the ass . The remnant maiden Church who is awaiting Jesus’ return while doing ministry to the orphan, poor, widow and stranger, may look defeated but actually the enemy is defeated who is competing with each other for more members in partiality and subsequent capital only to squander and have it taken. “There is a sucker born every minute” and in order for there to be a person selling anything there must be a customer to buy it.
Yet we must remain humble and attempt to be ye holy, willfully drawing away from the darkness by asking to become holy, and by desiring holiness. I am blessed to strive in sobriety for this Holiness. I have always sought it, but now I cherish it and attempt to maintain it daily. I am proud that I am an x-slave to alcohol as a disease, whore-chasing as a stronghold and that I have literal slavery in my lineage. I identify now with His Spirit who allowed an attitude of resilience.
You all know me. I am still crazy. Take a breath blow it out slow and say thank you Jesus.Part of this rejoicing even after closing 3 branches of the North Medical Center, involved a battle against our suffering in pain while here on earth. I look at pain differently now. I look at it as a blessing. I still believe that Minorities, as do the newspapers support, are grossly under-treated with respect to pain. I would still for the most part practice as I did.
The other part of the rejoicing involved the revelation that the Word of God is replete with references to a division or separation that allows for mutually distinct definitions. What are you saying teacher? Well I am glad you asked.
AMIE (Advanced Medical Informatics Education) is an invention that has taken the opposites of previous experiments reported in the Index Medicus and in other natural treatment journals and put them in an easily retrievable and easy to compare data-base with an emphasis on diseases involving clotting, cancer, and craziness (behavior) in that all display abnormalities in Interleukins (Cytokines).From Genesis 11 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.This is highly significant information and gives what those in faith realize, that THE Christ created something from nothing 1. with light 2. with division or separating. All we have done with AMIE is to listen to Him in telling us to divide, retrieve and compare in time thus making a point (pixtel if you will) in a picture after having written a software program. This picture can subsequently be viewed as fitting or being non-congruent with existing theories, chains, cycles, syndromes, linguistic formulas and mathematical formulas. The resultant picture is our Model of Immune function. This Model plus the two data bases is our creation, given to us by THE CREATOR. His Word is superior to science but we have created another paradigm to look at scientific data as did Einstein equating energy to matter in his theory E= MC squared .God almighty has blessed us with the enemies curse by allowing us to be able to concentrate on our God given vision of Immunologic Chain involvement in all physiologic processes including those that rebel from the norm and are pathophysiologic ( disease ). He has allowed us to at times to realize how He coverts from the evil of men’s hearts, including mine foremost, His Good in betterment of man. Our primary thrust is to come up with plausible theories for the cure of all cancer, coagulation (clots causing heart attacks, lung clots, and stroke) We have assimilated the information that explains what the Human Genome performs revealed by data mining or Informatics. We have accomplished much with our now 25 year old theories implemented in AMIE. Yes the Jezebel who lives in Babylon is mad. Her death wish upon the poor has been put in check, and until Jesus comes back there will continue to be efforts to give hope to all that are being turned down by hospitals and doctors offices across the nation. For this you are applauded. Because of your prayers and support there is hope for all who are told by their doctors that there is “nothing that we can do”. You are blessed in having planted the seed for help of posterity. The die has been cast and our youth will carry the blood stained banner. It is in being dipped and dunked in Jesus’ blood that we claim victory. Now it is necessary to do a baptism each day in His living water for our walk to not slip again.Pray for our sincerity and salvation of the enemy in the flesh. We war not … ….. that we war not against this flesh.
The rogue agents have acknowledged our invention as significant. They have even tried to imitate this method in their analysis of my our office information and its activity. They have used lies, altered charts, people’s opinions and patients who were separated (visit disallowed) to close North Medical Center and influence the Texas Board of Medical Examiners while utilizing Willie Lynch technique. This was in addition to relying on their greed in an attempt to betray our vision of a non-government dependent Medical-Dental Diagnostic Center of and by the people as was NORTH MEDICAL CENTER. I ask that each of you come to the trial to support me on Jan 29th . We will keep you posted.
Towards this vision coming back we ask for your prayers first and foremost. As did the mythical Phoenix, mythical Horus or as the actual in reality Jesus in the resurrection we also desire to create employment. With the creation of capital there can be a realization of the vision of employment will this will initially be done at the gas pump in a service-station concept with full service returning. This will be an initial effort to replace capital in our communities generated from sales of other things including crack and sexual favors forced upon on us by the War on Drugs.
Write checks to: C and P Construction
and send that and any gift or gas cards to:
POB 14089,
Houston Tx. 77221
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