Sunday, January 25, 2009

lyme cholestyramine treatment

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Lyme Antibiotic Actos Cholestyramine Treatment Dr Ritchie C Shoemaker FEB - Get more College Essays

Saturday, January 24, 2009

vergeudensyndrom zu sein

Wir haben uns mit dir früh in unserem Blog besprochen, der cytokines und ihr entzündlicher Zyklus zu allen Krankheitprozessen kritisch waren. Wir haben seit dem spezifischer erhalten und haben gezeigt, dass MMP-9 insbesondere mit der Funktionsstörung der Zelle im Krebs und in der multiplen Sklerose in seinem " gleichwertig ist; Umgestaltung des gegangenen mad" natürliche Funktion entsprechend einem Vergewaltiger. Dieser Artikelzusammenbruch bespricht eine Hautkrankheit und seine Behandlung mit Fotochemotherapie und der Invasion von MMP-2. Es scheint, dass das MMP-2 in einer regelnden Art Funktion dient, die Normalität zum Melanocyte zusammen mit Alpha MSH wieder herzustellen. Dieses kann den Effekt der Hitzetherapiewirksamkeit im metastatischen pankreatischen Krebs, sowie die Verminderung der Verdauung von Selbst mit MMP-9 erklären, das durch TNF-Alpha getankt wird. Der mAb (monoclonal Antikörper) verwiesen am TNF-Alpha Empfänger, würde scheinen, die sicherste emergency Therapie außerhalb der unterstützenden Sorgfalt für das vergeudensyndrom zu sein. Diese Behandlung wird jetzt im septischen Schlag verwendet.


Hemos discutido con ti anterior en nuestro blog que los cytokines y su ciclo inflamatorio eran críticos a todos los proscesses de la enfermedad. Hemos conseguido más específicos y hemos demostrado desde entonces que MMP-9 particularmente es equivalente a la disfunción de la célula en cáncer y esclerosis múltiple en su " remodelado del mad" ido; función natural relacionada con un violador. Esta avería del artículo discutirá una enfermedad de piel y su tratamiento con foto-quimioterapia y la invasión de MMP-2. Aparece que el MMP-2 sirve en un tipo regulador función restaurar la normalidad al melanocyte junto con la alfa MSH. Esto puede explicar el efecto de la eficacia de la terapia del calor en cáncer pancreático metastático.

Disease = Inflammation out of control to MMP-9 uncontrolled.

There are several factors in a partial list which enhance the MMP-9 dysfunctional state .

1. Mitogens may stimulate at genomic level
2. Oncogens such as Ras
3. MMP-9 growth factors
4. Inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-6?)
5. Nf-kappa gene
6. Processing of inactive proenzyme
7. TGF-beta
8. ELAV proteins such as HuR which stabilizes the mRNA of MMP-9

Hope for diseases like cancer with collagenase/MMP-9 dysfunction

We have discussed with you earlier in our blog that cytokines and their Inflammatory Cycle were critical to all disease proscesses. We have since gotten more specific and have shown that MMP-9 in particular is tantamount to the dysfunction of the cell in cancer and multiple sclerosis in its "re-modeling gone mad" natural function akin to a rapist.
This article breakdown will discuss a skin disease and its treatment with photo-chemotherapy and the invasion of MMP-2. It appears that the MMP-2 serves in a regulatory type function to restore the normalcy to the melanocyte along with alpha MSH. This may explain the effect of the heat therapy efficacy in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer .

As in renal cells "representing " all cells with respect to their pathologies (MMP-9 dysfunction of overactivity) the skin also may give a hint as to how to put the MMP-9 back in check. My gut feeling is that the TNF-alpha recepetor must be blocked with monoclonal antibody as it is in septic shock to allow for therapy to be given and normalcy to return to the MMP-9 "digestion" run wild. I do realize that as a theorist of medical informatics I do not have the data except that henceforth given to us from previous studies. A review of the arginine, citulline biochemistry will also inevitably profitable as well as that of inducible nitric acid synthase and HuR ELAV factors involved in the stabilization of mRNA of MMP-9

Source / Source 2002, vol. 15, no6, pp. 426-432 [7 page(s) (article)] Editeur / PublisherBlackwell, Oxford, ROYAUME-UNI (1987-2007) (Revue)Localisation / LocationINIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 21408, 35400010678572.0030

It is known that the migration of melanocyte precursors (melanoblasts) from the outer root sheath of hair follicles into clinically depigmented epidermis is crucial to the repigmentation of vitiliginous skin treated with photochemotherapy (PUVA), but such migratory cells must penetrate extracellular matrix tissue barriers in vivo. To test the hypothesis that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are required for this process, we determined whether cultured melb-a cells, an immortal line of melanoblasts isolated from neonatal mouse epidermis, express and secrete MMPs and whether a synthetic metalloproteinase inhibitor, GM6001 (Galardin), inhibits their migratory behavior in vitro. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting were used to determine the patterns of MMP expression by melanoblasts at the mRNA and protein levels, respectively. The proteolytic activities of MMPs secreted into the culture medium were assessed by gelatin zymography. The capacity of melanoblasts to migrate on fibronectin, laminin or laminin-5 substrates was estimated using Transwell migration assays. The results show that MMP2, MMP9 and MT1-MMP transcripts are expressed by these melanoblasts, but only MMP2 is secreted and activated in the extracellular environment. Although the therapeutic efficacy of PUVA in stimulating repigmentation of vitiliginous skin might derive from direct effects of UVA and/or 8-methoxypsoralen (8MOP), recent studies have shown that keratinocyte-derived factors induced by ultraviolet radiation, especially α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (aMSH), play a major role in regulating melanocyte function. Therefore, we also examined whether 8MOP and/or aMSH are involved in the up-regulation of MMP2 expression in melanoblasts. Western blotting and zymographic analyses revealed that MMP2 synthesis and secretion were induced by 8MOP and/or by aMSH. This induction of MMP2 resulted in significant increases of migration by melanoblasts on laminin or on laminin-5 substrates, while concomitant treatment with GM6001 blocked that induced migration. Taken together, these results suggest the importance of MMP2 in melanoblast migration

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You tell me , if you fall into this list

If it isn't enough to have all wordly possessions taken, for giving health care to the poor, it is made worse by the realization that there is a funk in Houston.
It is about ready to change as we develop more information on those who held the power of information of carcinogens and the legal profession that defends the companies that continue to allow the exposure to Texans. What is worse is that they control the strings as to who gets treatment and who doesn't in the med center. Best case: do not expose yourself to oil byproducts, eat vegetables
avoid red meat unless you grow it, eat fresh fruits. If you have been diagnosed,
please check on MMP and HuR research.
The following will be updated as to treatments

1. MMP blockers (MS/Polymyositis)
2. iNO blockers/tryptophan metabolism
3. HuR blockers (RNA stabilier of MMP )
4. Prostaglandin effect (involving PgE)
5. Anti TGF -beta or its receptor BLOCKers ( as it relates to TNF not having negative feedback inhibition)
6. HuR blocker identification
7. Apoptosis enhancers

Missionary Medical Ministry

If you have trouble reading this and I do, the posts will be enlarged by copy paste and then enlarge in Word.I have doubted God during this ordeal, but now it is relatively clear that He is sovereign andI am willing to take His lead. It took the evil in me and others to collide to keep me glued to thiscomputer and steadfast in my desire to bring back the clinic and the good care that we provided.The 4-5 year olds may become teenagers but by there prayers, by one child's thought positive of the tennis balls given and good care, we will return from the ashes if it is God's will.Another thing is clear, we are focused on the Word of God and the goal of relating all diseaseto inflammation and hence a model that can allow for easy diagnosis of disease before it is too late, and cures that will change the approach to disease. We need to look at disease as an evil that due to our genetics, diet, wrong thoughts and passions enters us and fools our immune systems to fight what it is not supposed to fight (multiple sclerosis) and tolerate things (cancer) that it is not supposed to tolerate. Nevertheless we are on the cusp, thanks to the tools given us by God the Father leading of His Spirit, and the stripes applied to Jesus will have diagnosis more early and healing by 2012. Our thoughts only bolstered with AMIE (our invention) are that studying granulomas and melanoma will give us answers to all diseases such as atheroclerosis,cancer, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. MMPs (Matrix Metaloproteinases) such as number 11 being involved in breast cancer and7 in Polymyositis with 9 being involved in Multiple Sclerosis. Yet all are not bad if under controlsuch as 3 and 9 being involved in remodeling the plaque in the brachiocephalic artery while 12adds to plaque and leads to its blockage. Abdominal aneurysms seen in elderly males are under the curse of diet and MMP-12 Remember all of this can be eliminated with a diet of more prayer over meals and more fruits vegetables, with less saturated fat.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

For my patients FIRST and anyone else reading in 2009

With this article after a total of 15 broken hours of study going to radio station, practicing and editing BIBLEBOOST, producing and doing a house call recommending a Ben Taub visit ect.

The MMP molecules namely a metaloproteinase which is ZINC containing is responsible
for the following diseases found thus far and or protection against disease

MMP-3, MMP-9, protect against atherosclerosis

MM-7 no effect of plaque but a local diminution in smooth muscle, involvement in POLYMYOSITiS, Cancer of Bowel, and pancreas with MMP-9
Here we show that matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is expressed not only in the majority of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma specimens, but also in human pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and metaplastic duct lesions in human and mouse

[5]. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 is expressed by pancreatic cancer precursors and regulates acinar-to-ductal metaplasia in exocrine pancreas. Crawford, H.C., Scoggins, C.R., Washington, M.K., Matrisian, L.M., Leach, S.D. J. Clin. Invest. (2002)

MMP-9 involved in MS

Thank God

I thank God for an overzealous concubine who presented my case to the DEA and
aggravated soething that she should not have. What was meant for evil will turn to good.
Despite the years of persecution by my enemy I would like to say thank you, for warning me of all those evil like yourself.

While drinking I could not see
now I have sobriety

Here is the breakdown of the disease that you have as part of your Lupus -Like syndrome

MMP s are involved as well as
NK cells
which produce effects
causing the diseases MS, Cancer and Lupus

I prayed for you and my captivity has ended.