Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Missionary Medical Ministry

If you have trouble reading this and I do, the posts will be enlarged by copy paste and then enlarge in Word.I have doubted God during this ordeal, but now it is relatively clear that He is sovereign andI am willing to take His lead. It took the evil in me and others to collide to keep me glued to thiscomputer and steadfast in my desire to bring back the clinic and the good care that we provided.The 4-5 year olds may become teenagers but by there prayers, by one child's thought positive of the tennis balls given and good care, we will return from the ashes if it is God's will.Another thing is clear, we are focused on the Word of God and the goal of relating all diseaseto inflammation and hence a model that can allow for easy diagnosis of disease before it is too late, and cures that will change the approach to disease. We need to look at disease as an evil that due to our genetics, diet, wrong thoughts and passions enters us and fools our immune systems to fight what it is not supposed to fight (multiple sclerosis) and tolerate things (cancer) that it is not supposed to tolerate. Nevertheless we are on the cusp, thanks to the tools given us by God the Father leading of His Spirit, and the stripes applied to Jesus will have diagnosis more early and healing by 2012. Our thoughts only bolstered with AMIE (our invention) are that studying granulomas and melanoma will give us answers to all diseases such as atheroclerosis,cancer, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. MMPs (Matrix Metaloproteinases) such as number 11 being involved in breast cancer and7 in Polymyositis with 9 being involved in Multiple Sclerosis. Yet all are not bad if under controlsuch as 3 and 9 being involved in remodeling the plaque in the brachiocephalic artery while 12adds to plaque and leads to its blockage. Abdominal aneurysms seen in elderly males are under the curse of diet and MMP-12 Remember all of this can be eliminated with a diet of more prayer over meals and more fruits vegetables, with less saturated fat.

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